Most of us when we wake up aren't all that energized. The first thing we head to
when we step out of bed is the coffee pot (for those of you who drink coffee) hmm, that does sound great right now!
After that we head to the shower knowing we need to shave (if it is needed) but the thought of lathering our face, and
shaving seems like it will take hours in that moment. Not true! This can be down in 12 minutes. Follow this Royal Shave
routine and you will see the result. To add a little fun, time it and let us know how it goes! First things first. Run a
hot shower and wait for the steam to fill the empty cold air in your bathroom. Once you see this, hop in and soak your
face in with the hot water and let the steam open your pours. we recommend bathing and shaving at the end so the pours
on your face are 100% open. This will give you a closer shave because the skin is softer as well as the hairs in your
1. Use a preshave oil.
Pre shaving oil is a type of
lubricant that is applied to the skin prior to shaving your beard. The
pre-shaving oil provides a closer, smoother shave and allows the razor to glide on the skin's surface which reduces irritation. We
The Art of Shaving Pre Shave Oil, 60ml
2. Use a shaving cream and brush
Another term used for this is to 'lather the face.' This
causes a foamy substance on the beard in order to shave. Soak your brush in hot water and then dip it into the shaving
soap or cream and swirl it around a few times to create a foam substance and then apply this to your face. We recommend:
Taylor of Old Bond Street Luxury Shaving Cream BowlRoyal Shave
PB2 Best Badger 3-Band Shaving Brush ($42.95)
3. Choosing your razor
There is a very
big difference between a cartridge razor, safety razor and straight razor. To read more about this go to
Whatever tool you use, prepare it for your shave. Make sure your blade is sharp! we recommend:
When shaving with a safety razor make sure the weight of the razor does most
of the work. Hold it to your face like the picture below and pull down against the grain. If this is your first time
shaving with a safety razor expect irritation on the face. The skin has to get used to this razor, the lather and
everything that goes with this method of shaving. After a few shaves the irritation will be less. If there still
continues to be irritation please look into changing your shaving cream. Repeat this shaving method twice to ensure a
close shave.
With a straight razor when shaving make sure you pull the skin opposite to the direction you are shaving. Gently scrape
down the face against the grain. There should be a slight gap between your skin and the razor. Please be very careful
when using this technique it is easy to cut up your face.
5. Rinse and skin food
Once the
shaving is over, rinse your face and then dab with a hot towel. Wait about 1 minute and then apply skin food to your
face. What is skin food? Skin Food is a smooth gel-like liquid primarily used as an aftershave treatment. This will help
with irritation and smoothness to your skin after your shave. We recommend:
Geo F. Trumper Skin Food, 200ml
Enjoy your 12 minute shave time!