These blades are simply wonderful. I have a tough, wiry Italian beard but I also have very large pores and my skin is textured and very sensitive. I had been using Feather blades for the longest time thinking that was the best I was going to get from a DE blade. I was wrong. Feather blades are wicked and brutally sharp, yes, but they are very unforgiving as well, and if you have big pores or any texture to your skin whatsoever, it will mow down all the hair as well as any skin that is hanging on at the follicle. The ensuing blood bath I was experiencing after every shave was a thing of much stress. I decided to try a variety of other blades to see if maybe I had other options. I shaved with this blade this morning and I was simply amazed at the performance. It is sharp enough to cut through my thick beard hairs yet it left not a drop of blood in its wake. No irritation either. Superbly smooth and forgiving blade, this one left me shaking my head wondering why I had waited so long. Keep in mind, blades are completely person-specific, and what works for one may be horrible for another, and this goes for the blades performance in different razors as well, but this one is the blade for me. Cannot say enough about how badly this thing put a Japanese Feather to shame. They're cheap enough. Do yourself a favor and try one. What have you to lose??