Welcome to Part 2 of Tips for Wet Shaving While Traveling! Today we’ll be covering the supporting players of your wet shave routine: brushes, soaps/creams, and aftershaves. Whether you plan to bring the current product you use or will be purchasing a special travel-friendly version, we have solutions that’ll see you through your trip seamlessly. Check back for Part 3 soon, and don’t forget to read up on Part 1: Razors & Blades here. Travel brushes You have two options here: Buy a travel brush/compact brush – Many wet shaving brands offer travel-sized brushes. These tend to be small brushes, and often come in travel tubes with caps, like the da Vinci UOMO Voyage 295 Silvertip Badger Travel Brush. This design protects your brush while allowing air flow to prevent the growth of mold. You can also try a compact brush, like the well-loved Omega #11047 Mighty Midget Boar/Badger Shave Brush. Standing at just 73 mm tall, this Omega brush features a fan-shaped bristle loft for easy lathering and a sturdy handle. Pop your current brush into a prescription bottle – Don’t want to give up your favorite brush while you travel? We don’t blame you. A simple solution is to put your full-size shaving brush in a tall prescription bottle. This will protect your bristles throughout the trip. If you don’t have one on hand, you can purchase them cheaply at a local drugstore or pharmacy. Don’t forget to drill a small hole into the lid to facilitate drying. Shave soaps and creams Shaving soap Unfortunately, you’ll have to ditch your fancy wooden soap bowl, as the lid won’t close securely during flights. Plus, the bulky size of these screw-top bowls makes them hard to fit into a small carry-on. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution. Slip your puck into a Ziploc container. You can also venture into the world of shaving sticks, which create foolproof lather right on your face. No mug is necessary with a shaving stick (saving you a little room in your bag). Since shaving sticks are solid and come in tubes, you don’t have to worry about anything popping open or leaking. Shaving cream Plastic hinged-lid containers (like these from The Container Store) transport shaving cream well, and are available in multiple sizes depending on how much shaving cream you’d like to bring. Since the lids don’t fall off, you won’t have to worry about leaks. Some companies also make shaving cream tube versions of their shaving creams. You can find Taylor of Old Bond Street’s popular fragrances, including Eton College and St. James, in a shaving cream tube. Aftershaves When you travel, you’re going to be a lot more active than usual, which means you can easily get dehydrated. To keep yourself and your skin in good shape, remember to drink lots of water and to bring a rich aftershave balm. Truefitt & Hill has a luxurious travel-sized version of their Ultimate Comfort Aftershave Balm. If you want to kill two birds with one stone, the company’s Authentic No. 10 Post-Shave Cologne Balm works as both an aftershave balm for sensitive skin and lightweight woodsy cologne. If you prefer not to buy a separate aftershave for travel, transfer some of your normal aftershave into a flip-top bottle. The Nalgene Flip-Top Leakproof Travel Bottle is compact and worry-free.