Shaving in the shower isn’t for everyone. Some men prefer it to sink shaving, while others scoff at the thought of shaving without much visual or auditory feedback. There are many misconceptions about shower shaving, and we’re here to clear the air so you can make the best decision for yourself. Even if you're a die-hard sink shaver, there are some instances – like needing to be at a work meeting pronto – where you don’t have the time to enjoy a long shave at the sink, but still want to get in a wet shave. When time is limited, a shower shave kills several birds with one stone. The trick is in the setup. Below, we debunk several shower shaving myths and give you tips for shower shaving with finesse. Note: If you are a novice wet shaver, we recommend first refining your technique at the sink, then moving to the shower once you’ve memorized the contours of your face and are confident in your shaving abilities. See more articles in our Shaving Myths Debunked series here.
Myth: You’ll drop your razor because it’ll be too slippery.
Fact: Most DE razors have enough grip for a shower shave – and some even have knurling.
With a bit of practice, you can use just about any safety razor to shave in wet conditions. If you’re still worried, use a razor with a knurled handle, like the Muhle R89 Grande Closed Comb Safety Razor. Stay away from straight razors, since dropping one of these in the shower can mean losing a toe. Save straight razor shaving for the sink.
Myth: Your mirror will fog up and you won’t be able to see anything.
Fact: Fogless mirrors allow you to safely shave in the shower.
Not being able to see where you’re shaving is one of the biggest roadblocks to men trying out shower shaving. While fogless mirrors don't guarantee 100% visibility, they allow you to see where you’re making passes and negate the need to wipe off the mirror every few seconds. Upper West Collection’s No Fog Shower Mirror rotates and has an adjustable arm for easy positioning. This mirror even has an attached razor holder. For extra insurance against fogging, do one of the following:
- Rub bar soap or liquid soap on your mirror lightly.
- Rub shampoo onto your mirror. Remove extra shampoo with a paper towel.
- For longer-lasting defogging: make a vinegar mixture of one cup vinegar and one cup water. Spray the mixture onto the mirror and then wipe the mirror down. This method lasts for several days!
Myth: You can’t get any auditory feedback.
Fact: Turn off the water when you shave for excellent feedback.
Turn on the water and get shampoo, conditioner, and body wash done first. Save shaving for last. While you're getting everything else cleaned up, the steam from the shower will open pores and soften facial hair so it’s more pliable during your shave. In fact, when hair is fully soaked with warm water for 3 minutes, cutting strength is reduced by at least 30%. Apply extra hair conditioner or shaving cream onto your face as you lather your hair and body for extra bristle softening. Then, when you’re ready to shave, turn off the water. This will reduce the amount of fog as well produce excellent acoustics, since the hard wall surfaces of a bathroom, combined with a lack of soft furnishings, create a space that amplifies sound.
Myth: You’ll waste water.
Fact: Once again, just turn off the water when you shave.
If you prefer to have some water running to rinse your blade between passes, turn the water down to a trickle.
Myth: The shaving process will take too long.
Fact: Invest in a small shaving cubby to have everything where you need it, reducing prep and clean-up time.
A corner shaving cubby is petite enough not to get in the way, but spacious enough for all the essentials. Store your shaving cream, soap, scuttle, and pre-shave oil here. Shaving brushes and razors should be stored outside the shower in order to let them dry properly. Bring your brush and razor into the shower with you every time you shave.