There is a lot of confusion out there regarding shaving. Every man shaves differently. Some of us use shaving soap, some prefer shaving creams, and some don’t use anything at all (though we don’t recommend the latter). There are also several types of razors – disposable, cartridge, double-edged, straight. The sheer magnitude of options has given way to popular assumptions and myths. Since we’re here to help you achieve the most satisfying shave possible, we’re starting a series called “Shaving Myths Debunked,” in which we uncover the truth behind everything you’ve heard. First in the series is a myth we encounter on a very frequent basis – that wet shaving costs more than cartridge razor shaving.
Myth: Wet shaving costs more than shaving with cartridge razors.
Busted: Quite the contrary - wet shaving is far more economical.
Let’s break this down: as of this blog post publication, a 4-Pack of Gillette Fusion Proglide cartridges costs $17.79 on Amazon, or $4.45 per cartridge. Meanwhile, a 5-Pack of double-edged blades from esteemed wet shaving brand Derby costs $1.75, or 35 cents per blade (blade prices vary and decrease if bought in bulk). A blade lasts about a week. Replacing the Derby blades weekly would come out to $18.20 per year. While Gillette claims its cartridges last for 5 weeks, if you’ve ever shaved with one of these razors, you know comfort levels usually dip around week 2. Replacing a Proglide cartridge every two weeks for a year would cost $115.70, or nearly 6.5 times the cost of using the Lord Precision blades. Even if you replaced your razor cartridge monthly and braved the burn, you would be paying $53.40 per year, which is still about 3 times the cost of the double-edged blades.Something else to consider: Double-edged razors are built to last a lifetime – you can find 80-year-old, fully functioning double-edged razors out there. Because they are so well made, double-edged razors and straight razors are far more eco-friendly than disposable razors or cartridge razors. Just think about how many razors/cartridges you’ll be throwing away in a lifetime (left to accumulate in a landfill) vs. replacing a straight razor or double-edged razor a few times at most. In the end, you have to make a choice between quantity and quality.
Whether you’re hirsute or clean shaven, we’re here to answer all your grooming questions! Leave your question in the comments below and we will consider it for a future post.