Infographic: How to Shave and Groom Like Mad Men’s Don Draper
If you’re like us, you’re still suffering from a bit of Mad Men withdrawal. The series played a not-so-small
role in the resurgence of the well-kept male: Don Draper’s slicked-back hair, freshly shaven face, and impeccable
executive suits sent many of us to our barbers and tailors. The series concluded in May after seven seasons, but that
doesn’t mean we can’t continue to act on the style cues laid out so sportingly on the show. Specifically, let’s turn our
attention to Don Draper’s grooming habits. Throughout the series, we got glimpses into the products he used to look so
dashing, from the mention of Brylcreem in Season 1 to his preferred razor – the Gillette Black Handle Super Speed – in
Season 2. The following infographic lays out all the major grooming tools Draper was spotted with in Mad Men,
as well as similar modern-day products you can purchase. What’s great is that several of the original products that date
back to the Mad Men era (1960s) are still available today. We’re curious – do you own any of the products
mentioned in this infographic? Scroll below the infographic for a Mad Men shopping list. Also, for more Mad Men
style, see our
post on our favorite Don Draper outfits from each season of Mad Men.You can also find more
infographics at Visualistan