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Coconut Oil Benefits: Maintaining Moisture in Your Skin and Hair

When it comes to caring for your skin and hair, there are a number of factors that can negatively affect how healthy you are. From exposing hair and skin to too much heat from the sun or styling practices to using drugstore products with sulfates or other harmful chemicals, we don't always treat our bodies very nicely. The results often include dry skin and hair. However, there is a natural solution to restoring your skin's glow and your hair's shine. Enter the world of coconut oil benefits. Here at Royal Shave, we want to share one of the best hair and skin care secrets, utilizing coconut oil. Keep reading to find out more about its properties and how you can implement coconut oil into your routine at home.

What are some of the coconut oil benefits?

Royal Shave shares coconut oil benefits
Photo via Instagram / @epiraforhair
One of the major components of coconut oil is Vitamin E. This is useful at restoring skin's moisture and elasticity. In addition, it helps protect your skin against aging and sun damage. Moreover, Vitamin E also benefits your hair by working as a strong antioxidant against environmental irritants and increasing circulation in the scalp to promote thicker hair growth. Coconut oil is also largely made up of fatty acids. For example, its lauric and capric acids work to kill harmful bacteria and fungi and fight off viruses. Because of this, coconut oil is often used in psoriasis and acne treatments. These acids also halt hair loss and help with healthy regrowth.

How does coconut oil benefit your skin?

Royal Shave shares coconut oil benefits
Photo via Instagram / @modelmalay
Coconut oil is nature's way of restoring your youthful glow. Coconut oil benefits for adding shine to your skin come in the form of removing old makeup, dislodging irritants from your pores and moisturizing dry skin overnight. While it was traditionally designed to clean and prepare your whiskers prior to shaving, Musgo Real Glycerin Oil Soap is an effective cleanser for your entire body. It uses alcohol to disinfect and then restores moisture with coconut, lime and castor oils. In addition, lotions containing coconut oil work as strong combatants against stretch marks. The most effective time to apply coconut oil to stretch marks is when they are still relatively new and red or pink in color. While it is harder to get rid of older stretch marks, the added moisture still helps to reduce the appearance of scarring. Lastly, along with adding glow to your skin, coconut oil also reduces wrinkles, making your skin appear even younger and more alive.

How does coconut oil benefit your hair?

Royal Shave shares coconut oil benefits
Photo via Instagram / @katydid003
Royal Shave shares coconut oil benefits
Photo via Instagram / @trevorwayne
When it comes to coconut oil benefits for your hair, both the tresses on your face and your head thrive with the extra moisture. First off, coconut oil helps heal dry and brittle strands. Organic coconut oil from the grocery store can easily be applied to your hair and left in overnight. However, using a conditioner with coconut oil is another perfect way to deliver the product to the damaged areas for quicker use. DR Harris Conditioner offers an added bonus because it infuses the coconut oil benefits with aloe vera. Read More: Find out about aloe vera's added benefits and why it's called "the miracle plant" In addition, coconut oil makes hair appear healthier by adding shine and strength. Using a styling product like Dax Black Bees Wax will help nourish your hair and soothe the cuticle. Moreover, its natural ingredients also include jojoba oil, which has been used for centuries as a scalp treatment. Finally, when it comes to beard care, using shaving products with coconut oil allows hair and skin to be cleansed and exfoliated before removal. This reduces uncomfortable itchiness associated with dandruff and frizz. Moreover, using a beard oil with the powerful but gentle ingredient will serve you coconut oil benefits throughout the day. Truefitt & Hill Natural Conditioning Beard Oil combines coconut with avocado, jojoba, sesame and argan oil.
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